Andrew Pecyna is a full stack web developer living in Montréal, QC





Web developer from the West Coast, now based in Montréal, Québec. Experiences teaching, studying, and working have taken me from Vancouver to France to Montréal. Passionately exploring the study of languages, music and all things design and development. Fascinated by the intersection where tech meets culture meets the environment.


Full-Stack Web Development Diploma, Concordia University, Montréal, QC

Bachelor of Arts, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC


React, Javascript, Node.JS, Express.JS, MongoDB / In development: Python, Typescript, SQL

TRANSL(ai)TE w/ openAI

Full-Stack RESTful application integrated with the ChatGPT API from OpenAI. transl(ai)te allows users to translate text with AI technology, save + curate translations in a user profile, and easily reference their content to facilitate learning and optimize User Experience.

Front-end: React, Javascript, HTML, CSS Styled-Components, Vite.JS

Back-end: Node.JS, Express.JS

Database: MongoDB, NoSQL

BIRDFEED social media

Full-Stack RESTful application integrated with multiple API, allowing users to create a profile, share photos + content, and interact within the community.

Front-end: React, Javascript, HTML, CSS Styled-Components

Back-end: Node.JS, Express.JS

Database: MongoDB, NoSQL

WEARABLES e-commerce

Fully responsive e-commerce store built with React, scripted with Typescript, and scaled and styled with Bootstrap 5. Features a dynamic + user-friendly shopping cart that opens and disappears on side of the window.

Front-end: React, Typescript, Bootstrap 5, HTML, CSS

Don't Hesitate to Reach out!